Monday, February 15, 2010

Open source as part of business strategy

For some companies open source platforms have become the key to their business success.

Pipforg is an Estonian brand for company whose business models is made on using the Magento platform. Magento is a open-source ecommerce web application launched under the Open Software License. version 3.0.

On Pipfrog webpage the e-commerce solutions is described as a tool for small and middle size entrepreneurship companies to easily and cost-effectively create and maintain e-shops. To use the e-commerce advantages Pipfrog has different payment options ,built in connections with logistic companies and integration ability with accounting software.

From their list of clients can be found biggest computer store chain in Estonia Klick, Team75plus, Fazer, Massuno.

Their bate for the new users is the option to try the e-commerce tool for free and with some limitations have the possibility create own e-shop. If one would like advanced e-shop then further expenses need to be made. Pipfrog incomes come from hosting the websites or selling extra modules like multiple language stores, power marketing, Import/Export, multi currency, uncial design etc.

For creating a dynamic websites there is available platform called Joomla! It's an open source content management system for developing dynamic websites that stores data in MySQL database and includes feature like page caching, RSS feed, printable pages, news flashers, polls, blogs, search, language options. It's published under GNU General Public License. Joomla has emerged from Mambo CMS whose first developers where actually pay. Large amount of their income from donations and advertisements on their web.

Company called Confirmo uses Joomla platform for its business. On most of the websites they have made design on Joomla content management system.

One open source template engine is called Smarty. It uses LGPL license which places restrictions only to program itself but does not apply to software that link with the program. Smarty generates web content by the placement of special Smarty tags within a document. It provides a separate application logic for content development and design presentations. Smarty basically separates PHP from HTML being between application programmer and template designer. It allows to make manageable changes without interrupting the system logic.

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