Robert Theobald was an economist who become more know for his writings. Together with his colleagues he wrote "The Triple Revolution" where they stated that weaponry, computers and human rights revolution where ushering new era. His ideas where considered ahead of it´s time.
One of his definitions "mind-quake" is changing process where the old model and old understanding loose their meaning after a while. Then a new one must be constructed.
Most probably during the last century there have been greatest improvement in technology. Lot of new inventions have made influence to peoples lives and habits. For example who would have thought that internet would be the main market place for some consumers to make everyday purchase there. I remember that some 15 years ago most of the shops had abacus to calculate prices but nowadays nobody can imagine work without cash register or computer.
These things are self-evident at the moment but used to be not very necessary or did not exist at all.
Charles Handy is an Irish author and philosopher who formulated 9 paradoxes to come in society in management context. One from the list was the paradox of organizations which states that the more successful it becomes the less they know difficult is to make process and run it. There can be made a parallel with the sports that when one athlete or team gets to the top they are more likely to stuck on progress and keep training the same way instead of trying something something extra and becoming even better.
One of Manuel Castells network society description "changes in work and employment" illustrative example is e-learning space. Materials are available online and the participation can participate whenever they have time for it with some time constraints made by professors. Expressing or sharing thought this way can be more timeconsuming and can lead to missundestandings.
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