Sunday, December 7, 2008
Chapter 20 - the Digital Enforcement
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Review of Sonjacky and The Boys wiki project
Chapter 17 - Development of free license
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Chapter 7 - Digital divide
Friday, November 14, 2008
New media means new ways of doing marketing
According to the internet usage statistics by June 2008 there are around 1,5 billion internet users worldwide. This is more than one-fifth of the world population. With just global digital divide between countries meaning great disparities in opportunities to access the internet affecting education and business prospective success and most of all getting information. The last eight years growth (305%) in internet users rate have made online community a strong marketplace to do business or make private connections.
Like the Google corporate information pages points out: “Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.” But what is the business behind it? Company has to have resources to make investment on building new innovative applications and in these critical economy situations to survive. On the same page there is described the following “Google business is generates revenue by providing advertisers with the opportunity to deliver measurable, cost-effective online advertising that is relevant to the information displayed on any given page.” As it may seem from Google`s development in mapping systems, social networks or as e-mail provider it is just an advertising company that gets 99% of its revenue from advertisements.
For companies one of the biggest internet advertisement vantage is the possibility to reach to the end potential consumers trough advanced targeting. This kind of advertisement is mostly used in socal communities. The customers profile can be created based on location, age, sex, education or by any other keyword. These advertisements can be directed straight to potentsial end consumers.
In August 26, 2005 Alex Tew, a student from
One of the most widespread ways of making electronic business is to do e-mail marketing. An easiest way to make e-mail marketing is to announce a consumer game and for the bait promise attractive awards. People love free stuff and that is what the companies have done. Making a simple web page, putting a big award and letting the people to have a chance to win just by registrating to the contest and doubling ones odds when forwarding the link to friends. This causes message chain with lot of people receiving unwelcome e-mails. Also referred to as e-mail spam has been a big issue since mid on 90-s when the internet was opened to general public. Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group 2007 second quarter statistics show that over 85% of received e-mails are abusive. I used to receive e-mails in English from the category “adult/mature” but now more and more Estonian companies use e-mails as direct marketing. I am not sure if it is the declining economics situation or upcoming Christmas but most the advertisements look really awful, have no design or are just wrote in plain text. But overall it does not matter because the advertising message and product or service awareness has spread and most probably many of the e-mail receivers have made their next buy in based on this.
Because of complex bureaucracy and idiomaticalness of the market it has been hard to build up businesses in a foreign country. But why to make huge investments into furniture and goods, train and hire human recourse`s, pay high rent while you can make online business. This kind of business Recourse need much less money, the market can be bigger than the home market and with considerably lower expenses there can be made lot of sails.
It is fairly easy to build up e-shop but how to be well known and earn good profit. One way of making promoting activities for your company is to hire professional blogger. There are several ways on paying the bloggers. Pay based on number and length of posts, internal metrics or external metrics.
The politicians have used the new media opportunities to make their party more visible, gain support on among internet users or make propaganda against competitive parties. From one of the biggest Estonian political parties "Keskerakond" homapage has a link to a page "Play like Ansip" which is a rally game to ridicule the present prime minister of Estonia. The game is about being a prime minister and seeing how much "damage" you would cause being head of the country. Another example of anti-advertisement are called "Google Bombs". It is a method of linking one specific keyword into needed page. If one makes Google search to "masendav" which means “frustrating” in Estonian it gives on the result top 2 the web page of the Political party “Keskerakond.” Similar bloggers initiative made "Miserable failure" link to George Bush. By know Google have defused this last bomb together with an overall algorithm change but we can see that very easly someones company or persons identity can be ruined. The late Barack Obama U.S president elections victory is a clear example of the power of internet marketing and online public relations using new media applications. It has been even been called as the e-campaign of the decade. Like Adrian Huffington, editor in chief of The Huffington Post has said in her interview, “when there had not been internet, Obama would not be the president. “ Obama`s team and fans spread his word through blogs, social networks in motion and pictures. One great example is the launch of webpage for everybody to create commercials about Obama`s support. He was able win the support of the young and mostly uninterested in politics voters who like to spend most of their time in internet or playing video games etc.
As can be seen from the examples I have pointed out above the new media success has defenetly helped to launch different applications and new ways to do business online. With the increase of the internet users this community will become even stronger medium where people are searching for answers or communicating with each other. The better applications one bild and the wiser one is able to "hid" the advertisement is most probably going to make good profit in the new future.
- The Huffington Post
- Second Life
- How Stuff Works
- Online Business - How to pay to the blogger - Wikipedia
- World Internet Usage
- Facebook
- Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group
- Estonian webpages weekly visits statistics
- Barack Obama
Friday, October 31, 2008
Chapter 6 - Online Crime and Fraud
But how can you tell that it might be a scam?
I will just point out few points mentioned in the webpage:
Someone offers you something that sound too good to be true
Promises that you can win money, make money, or borrow money easily
Refuses to give you details(e.g. address) of offer before you make any payment
Uses scare tactics or pressure to act immediately
One possible Internet scam on selling good on one web page can have the following scenario:
1.Some criminal build up internet webpage to sell furniture
2.They make advertisement so their page can be recognized
3. Blue-eyed customers can not believe that they can buy a sofa for so cheap. But of course they have heard that everything is cheaper in internet so they think it should be like that.
4. Without checking background of the company and the webpage customers make their first uncredible order. They need to pay in advance all the sum and wait for some time to receive the furniture.
5. After the promised deadline by the seller has passed from a long time the customer makes a call and asks when does he sees his sofa? The answer will be most probably some lie that the goods are stacked in customs of factory is doing so well that they have longer deadlines etc.
6. Then for a while when the customer is again trying to contact the seller most probably the phone numbers are dead...
So be aware of the scams going on in Internet and make sure always do some backup search before sending money to someone or buying something from web.
Like the website "Whats the Bloody Point?" one headline describes it consists bate for some money schemers. The author describes himself as peoples entertainer. By responding to fraud letter senders he plays along like he has no idea about the scam that the sender is planning. These are on one hand entertaining to read but on the other hand educative to know that frauds like this exist. I like the way author is responding to the letters. Someone has to reply to schemers and give them at least that kind of lesson. Of course these real life examples are good for the others to learn from.
Chapter 4 - Testing blocking software
Firstly I was testing it with the factory default settings by inserting some forbidden keywords to google. Like expected the search engine gave no results. But there where still some drawbacks. E.g when I googled for "guns" it allowed to go on a site to learn more about grenade launchers or rifles even thoght the hate/violence category was blocked. Keywords "feminism" turned out to be blocked by the content of Adult/Matur and Hate/Violence. So it`s bit controversial if these keyword should be filtered or not.
Now I turned my search keywords to Estonian. In some occasion like "kaardimäng"contenct was blocked but then again search for "viin", "tulistama" gave information needed. So there needs to be done some improvement there.
Major drawback was was that the Net Nanny program administrator interface have just categorised topics. The key words related to the topic where not shown or editable at least I could find a way to do it. This lead some forbidden keywords through filter or blocked contect that should have been visible.
This software seems to be quite useful on having emplyees do their work, student not reach forbidden contect and it also helps to prevent getting hooked by spyware. Just the administrator have to make sure that it does not block some content that should be accessed.
Chapter 2 - Towards the Information Society
One of his definitions "mind-quake" is changing process where the old model and old understanding loose their meaning after a while. Then a new one must be constructed.
Most probably during the last century there have been greatest improvement in technology. Lot of new inventions have made influence to peoples lives and habits. For example who would have thought that internet would be the main market place for some consumers to make everyday purchase there. I remember that some 15 years ago most of the shops had abacus to calculate prices but nowadays nobody can imagine work without cash register or computer.
These things are self-evident at the moment but used to be not very necessary or did not exist at all.
Charles Handy is an Irish author and philosopher who formulated 9 paradoxes to come in society in management context. One from the list was the paradox of organizations which states that the more successful it becomes the less they know difficult is to make process and run it. There can be made a parallel with the sports that when one athlete or team gets to the top they are more likely to stuck on progress and keep training the same way instead of trying something something extra and becoming even better.
One of Manuel Castells network society description "changes in work and employment" illustrative example is e-learning space. Materials are available online and the participation can participate whenever they have time for it with some time constraints made by professors. Expressing or sharing thought this way can be more timeconsuming and can lead to missundestandings.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
the end starts here
I will use this blog for my Tallinn University Interactive Media and Knowledge Environments studies EMIM course "Ethics and Law in New Media" supervised by Kaido Kikkas